Wednesday, 16 January 2013

what is 111 error in ms outlook

SMTP Error 111 : Typically from Linux based email systems such as SquirrelMail and Mailman. The message will usually go like this : “Connection refused, 111 Can’t open SMTP stream”.

All SMTP Error 111 errors usually point to an inability of your server to communicate with the remote SMTP server(either the recipient’s SMTP server or your ISP’s SMTP server) or to a Linux/SMTP software configuration problem,

typically /etc/hosts not being world readable, or a newly installed or reconfigured firewall preventing connection to the remote SMTP server, or incorrect hostnames and/or domains (e.g. does your sending
hostname match your IP address in a reverse lookup?), or exim not running. Telnet and logs should help you home in on the problem.

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what is 211 error in Outlook

SMTP Error 211 : SMTP status 211 prefaces a message about the Mail Server status or a System Help reply to the user requesting help information. You might for example issue a command to the mail server to display a list of commands you can use and the server replies with an SMTP Reply 211 followed by the list you requested.

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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

What is “SMTP Error” ?

What is “SMTP Error” ? What does it mean ? There comes a time in the life of a
Computer Consultant where, one day, he/she will have to deal with email server problems. It is inevitable. Sometimes these problems will be with the interfacing of the mail server with the ISP, in particular an inability to send mail. After checking the usual suspects such as lack of connection (your broadband line is dead), faulty router, firewall problems, DNS problems, or an incorrect SMTP server name (thanks to some clever ISP changing its SMTP server name without informing anyone – it happens!!), you will likely start delving a little deeper by checking if your email server reports any errors.

Depending on the actual problem it is encountering, your mail server may not be able to provide detailed help on how to resolve the problem, and may instead only be able to provide you with an SMTP Status Code in your server’s log (these codes are also known as SMTP

Error Codes or SMTP Reply Codes), or emails will be returned to the sender with error text. A classic reply might be, for example, “SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data - <host ip-address> : 550 Error: Message content rejected”, or “SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO <email-address>, 550 5.1.1 User unknown” or “SMTP Error: Data not accepted” or “SMTP Error: The following recipients failed”. It is just for such cases that we have produced this document (we use it too !! J ). What does 550 mean ? What does 550

5.1.1 mean (or, shortened, what does 511 mean ?) ? What does “Data not accepted” mean ? What is SMTP error 553, what does it mean ? So, use this document as a quick reference to common Mail Delivery Errors, SMTP status codes or SMTP error codes for SMTP mail servers such as AA Mail Server, Alt-N MDaemon, ArGoSoft Mail Server, Axigen Mail Server, Barracuda Spam Firewall, Chilkat SMTPQ, CMail, CMailServer, E-Mail Anywhere, FTGate, GMS Mail, Internet Anywhere, Kerio MailServer

(KMS), Lotus Notes, MailEnable, Mailman, MailMax, Mailtraq, Merak Mail Server, Microsoft Exchange (Exchange Server 2003 NDR, Non-Delivery Report, error codes), Novell GroupWise, Qmail, PostCast Server, PostConf, PostFix, PowerMTA, QK (QKSoft) SMTP Server, Rockliffe MailSite, SendMail, SquirrelMail, SurgeMail, TFS Secure Message Server, VisNetic Mail Server, WinMail, Zimbra, or any other SMTP / ESMTP standards compliant e-mail MTA.

Note : the following list of SMTP reply codes can also be used to troubleshoot Eudora or FoxMail email problems, Outlook error codes, Outlook Express error codes (Windows 2000/XP), Windows Mail Error Codes (Vista), Thunderbird problems, or other email program problems when those programs send and collect emails directly to and from the Internet as opposed to through a corporate email system. The error codes returned are the same.

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what is 220 error code in ms outlook ?

SMTP Status 220 : This is normally the first message youwill get back from the server. It means the mail service isrunning (ie. your mail server is running). It will normally contain a welcome message and/or the title of the SMTP software and, sometimes, the version number of the mail

server software. SMTP Reply 220 is effectively a “Hi There, I have just this second finished starting up – I am ready to go and at your command” informational message.

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What is SMTP Error Code 252

SMTP Status 252 : The user account appears to be valid but could not be verified, however the server will try do deliver the message. There are sometimes circumstances where an email address appears to be valid but cannot be verified as definitely valid during the SMTP session between the sending server (your server) and the next server to accept your message. This can happen for example in very large corporation where the first email receiving server might only be an email exchanger server, a gateway server to the eventual server which holds the user mailboxes and which can verify if the intended recipient exists in that organization. When this happens the gateway server will reply with an SMTP Error 252 telling your sending server

that it cannot verify the user part of the email address, that the domain part is OK, and that it will forward your email to a server which can do the checking and eventually deliver to the user mailbox if it exists.

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What is SMTP Error 354

SMTP Error 354 : This is normally in response to the DATA command. The server has received the From and
To information and is now asking for the “Message Body”, the main part of the message which should be ended by two blank lines separated by a dot (period). Therefore, on receiving an SMTP Reply 354 the sending server should send the body of the message to the

receiving server and indicate the end of the message body with <CRLF>.<CRLF> (note the full stop between the two Carriage_Return-Line_Feed’s).

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Timeout communication problem encountered during transmission. This is a Novell GroupWise SMTP Error in Outlook

SMTP Error 420 : In our experience only Novell GroupWise servers use this error (we use GroupWise!).
You will get a GroupWise GWIA (GroupWise Internet Agent) 420 TCP Write Error or 420 TCP Read Error if there are communication problems during transmission of the actual message after the sending and receiving servers
have actually connected. A small number of 420 SMTP errors is normal as occasional peaks of Internet usage may delay the transmission of an email with attachment so much that a timeout occurs. When a timeout occurs on a

domain’s DNS is set up correctly). In an ideal world a well behaved recipient server should really be issuing your GroupWise server with a 554 error rather than timing out and causing the GroupWise GWIA to fault with a 420 error.


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This is a local error with the sending server and is often followed with “Please try again later in Outlook

SMTP Error 471 : This is always a local error with your own mail server. SMTP Error 471 (or 4.7.1) is usually tagged onto a primary SMTP error code, for example “SMTP Error 450 4.7.1”, or “SMTP Error 451 4.7.1”, or Error 550 4.7.1”; example : “451 4.7.1 Greylisting in action, please come back in 00:02:00 [minutes]”. In all

the cases that we have seen SMTP Error 471 is usually caused by anti-spam or virus scanning software on your

server (the sending server) getting into problems through a bug in the software, or because of a bad automatic update from the antivirus/anti-spam manufacturer, because of lack of memory on your server, or because of hard disk problems

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The Recipient’s mailbox cannot receive messages this big in Outlook

SMTP Status 523 : This error will be received when the total size of the message you have sent (ie: message + all of its attachments) exceeds the size limits on the
Recipient’s server. Many companies implement the good practice of configuring their servers with limits on the size of emails they can receive to prevent their systems running out of space as a result of a spam attack where the spam emails contain large attachments, or as a result of valid but not very technically savvy senders sending enormous scans (through not knowing that scanning at 1200dpi rather than the usually perfectly usable and acceptable 300dpi, will create humongous attachments).
Check the size of the email you sent, and, specifically, the size of the attachments you included, and consider splitting your email into smaller emails. If that does not work, check with the Recipient the maximum size of email they can receive, and if that is still prohibitive then consider FTP arrangements between you and the recipient.
SMTP Error 523 is often a secondary SMTP error code rather than a primary error code, as in the following
examples : “SMTP Error 450 5.2.3 Message Size greater than allowed by Remote Host” or “SMTP Error 552 5.2.3
Data size exceeds maximum permitted” or “SMTP Error 552 5.2.3 Message exceeds maximum fixed size”, and soon ....

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how to Setting TCP/IP as Default Protocol in Outlook

Once you know that your Internet connection is valid, check that TCP/IP is set
as the default protocol. To make sure that TCP/IP is your default protocol,
follow these steps:

1. On the Windows Desktop, use your right mouse button to click
Network Neighborhood and click Properties.
For Windows 95: On the Configuration tab, click TCP/IP and click
Properties to On the Advanced tab, verify that the "Set this protocol to
be the default protocol" check box is selected, and then click OK.
For Windows NT: Click the Bindings tab and in the Show Binding For
list, click All Services.


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Microsoft Agent Error Codes in Outlook

As with other modules, all error messages will appear in the log. In most cases, the
Lexmark Document Server Manager can find the detailed message. However,
sometimes the error message only indicates it is a third party error with a hexadecimal code.
The error message shows that the error code is 0x80040111 when it opens a message store.

Error Number Hex Value Description

-2147213311 0x80042001 The specified Microsoft Agent client was not found.
-2147213310 0x80042002 The character ID is not valid.
Verify that the ID has been defined and is spelled
-2147213309 0x80042003 The specified animation is not supported.

Verify that the animation name is correct.
-2147213308 0x80042004 No animation exists for this state.
Verify that an animation has been assigned to this state.
-2147213306 0x80042006 The command name was not found.
Verify that the command name you specified is correct.
-2147213305 0x80042007 The specified command name parameter has already been defined.
-2147213304 0x80042008 The specified Microsoft Agent client was not found.
-2147213302 0x8004200A The specified method failed because the character is hidden.
-2147213301 0x8004200B The character is already loaded. Check for previous Load method calls.
-2147213300 0x8004200C The current character's settings do not support a word balloon.
-2147213299 0x8004200D The Voice Commands Window cannot be displayed because speech input support has not been completely defined for this character.
Verify that speech input is enabled and that there is
a speech recognition engine and voice commands
defined for the character.
-2147213298 0x8004200E The Get method was specified with an invalid Type parameter.

Verify that the type you specified is supported and
spelled correctly.
-2147213297 0x8004200F The specified animation is not valid. It may be damaged or has no frames.Platform SDK: Agent

Microsoft Agent Error Codes

-2147213296 0x80042010 A character cannot be moved while it is being dragged.
-2147213295 0x80042011 The specified operation failed because it requires the character to be active.
-2147213294 0x80042012 The specified language for the character is not supported on this computer.
-2147213293 0x80042013 The specified speech engine could not be found,
the speech engine does not match the specified language for the character,
or speech audio output is currently disabled.
-2147213292 0x80042014 The specified speech engine could not be found,

The speech engine does not match the specified
language for the character,
or speech input is currently disabled.
-2147213291 0x80042015 The specified engine mode ID does not support the
current language for the character.
-2147213290 0x80042016 The specified operation failed because spoken audio output for all characters has been disabled in the Advanced Character Options.
-2147213289 0x80042017 There are no standard characters installed on this system.
-2147213288 0x80042018 The default character and other characters cannot be loaded at the same time by a single control.
-2147213055 0x80042101 The Request object was not found. The Request object no longer exists in

Any Kind of MS Outlook Problems Call Us 
+1-855-517-2433 (Toll Free)

how can stop the fake Outlook email sent from your computer.

Outlook Express is sending spam messages from your email account? Learn how you can stop the fake Outlook email sent from your computer.

SpamMessages in the Sent Box

Have you noticed spam messages in the Outlook Express sent box? Did you receive an alert from your friends, family or colleague that you sent them spam e-mails? Have you lost the trust of your customers for sending them spam messages? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, then you have to immediately fix the problem on your computer!

Why Does Outlook Send Out Fake Emails?

There are incident reports that Outlook Express and other email programs are sending spam messages to people from their address book. People often ask in discussion forums on who sent the fake Outlook Express email using their personal or work email address. 

Compromised or hacked E-mail Account 

When a computer is infected with virus, computer worms, trojans or has become part of a botnet, it will perform a denial of service attack to target network or computers or it will send out spam messages,


What is the registry key to prevent Outlook 2007 from creating PST files?

  I added the following DWORD in the registry of clients running Outlook 2007 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\DisableP


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+1-855-517-2433 (Toll Free)