As with other modules, all error messages will appear in the log. In most cases, the
Lexmark Document Server Manager can find the detailed message. However,
sometimes the error message only indicates it is a third party error with a hexadecimal
The error message shows that the error code is 0x80040111 when it opens a message store
Error Number Hex Value Description
-2147213311 0x80042001 The specified Microsoft Agent client was not found.
-2147213310 0x80042002 The character ID is not valid.
Verify that the ID has been defined and is spelled
-2147213309 0x80042003 The specified animation is not supported.
Verify that the animation name is correct.
-2147213308 0x80042004 No animation exists for this state.
Verify that an animation has been assigned to this state.
-2147213306 0x80042006 The command name was not found.
Verify that the command name you specified is correct.
-2147213305 0x80042007 The specified command name parameter has already been defined.
-2147213304 0x80042008 The specified Microsoft Agent client was not found.
-2147213302 0x8004200A The specified method failed because the character is hidden.
-2147213301 0x8004200B The character is already loaded. Check for previous Load method calls.
-2147213300 0x8004200C The current character's settings do not support a word balloon.
-2147213299 0x8004200D The Voice Commands Window cannot be displayed because speech input support has not been completely defined for this character.
Verify that speech input is enabled and that there is
a speech recognition engine and voice commands
defined for the character.
-2147213298 0x8004200E The Get method was specified with an invalid Type parameter.
Verify that the type you specified is supported and
spelled correctly.
-2147213297 0x8004200F The specified animation is not valid. It may be damaged or has no frames.Platform SDK: Agent
Microsoft Agent Error Codes
-2147213296 0x80042010 A character cannot be moved while it is being dragged.
-2147213295 0x80042011 The specified operation failed because it requires the character to be active.
-2147213294 0x80042012 The specified language for the character is not supported on this computer.
-2147213293 0x80042013 The specified speech engine could not be found,
the speech engine does not match the specified language for the character,
or speech audio output is currently disabled.
-2147213292 0x80042014 The specified speech engine could not be found,
The speech engine does not match the specified
language for the character,
or speech input is currently disabled.
-2147213291 0x80042015 The specified engine mode ID does not support the
current language for the character.
-2147213290 0x80042016 The specified operation failed because spoken audio output for all characters has been disabled in the Advanced Character Options.
-2147213289 0x80042017 There are no standard characters installed on this system.
-2147213288 0x80042018 The default character and other characters cannot be loaded at the same time by a single control.
-2147213055 0x80042101 The Request object was not found. The Request object no longer exists in
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